FARBEL is produced in one basic color : FASBEL BASE. The colours in the shade card are obtained by adding toner to the FARBEL BASE in variable quantities depending on the intensity of the colour sought. Add toner directly in the packaging of FARBEL BASE and mix with a spatula until completely blended.
Colours of the “C” series are obtained by adding ½ toner to the FARBEL BASE.
Colours of the “A” series are obtained by adding 2 toners to the FARBEL BASE.
FARBEL is applied on dry and clean surfaces (new plasters and patches should be at least 3-4 weeks old). Remove all loose and defective parts and paints not perfectly adherent, plasters, debris or old parts. Prepare the surface with our pre-insulation product ISOFARB ACR-2. This is essential for particularly absorbent surfaces painted with tempera, smoothed plasters or plasterboards.
1 Apply one or two coats of white paint MEHLPLAST
2-3 Apply one or more layers of FARBEL with a stainless steel trowel to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. After 24 hours sand with fine grit sandpaper and wipe the surface thoroughly.
4 Apply FARBEL with a “stucco” stainless steel spatula in small “spots” of low thickness with small spaces between them. Then before FARBEL completely dries out, proceed to polish and smooth the surface by rubbing down with the spatula, exerting a slight pressure. Repeat this operation until the surface is completely covered.